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Use any reference material, style guides, glossaries and terminology databases. Never ignore any glossary that has been sent to you. If the client has created a database, use it. If it is a simple excel file, you know all tools can import this format into a CAT tool and CVS can create a glossary file in seconds. It is essential that you are consistent in terminology and style with previous work. Quite often, you will not be the first translator involved in a publication process.
Make sure you are familiar with the file format. If you are working for a translation company, the files will come quite probably in a translation-friendly format and with a translation memory. Do not change the CAT tool your client has specified. There is no worse feeling for Translation Project Managers than receiving a file whose contents they have to rework because of bad formatting.
Make sure that you are comfortable with the subject matter and language style and confirm this to the Translation Project Manager. Whilst you may take on translations in fields in which you are not an expert for the sake of expanding your business, it will take you more time to master the terminology and you will have to invest time in doing so.
Make sure you revise the document(s) and the files before starting a translation. Understand any instructions that come with the job: they show you the way in which the translation must be approached. You do not call a plumber to fix a flood and leave your house without a shower. Ensure that all the files and documents the client needs are the ones you have received.
Depending on what language you are translating, the same language may translate differently between countries, as words may convey different meanings depending on the location that they are used. Mistranslating the word or meaning may become offensive, and some of the literal translations are not always correct.
Importing and exporting transactions, translators, interpreters and transferring manuals, documents, agreements, and conversations from source language to the target language. If there is a breakdown in the communication level there would be a great loss, leading to billions of dollars lost and also lost of good opportunities. That shows why language translators and those interested in the GILT industry are so much important.
If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.
Music, literature, films, and various other art forms transcend global boundaries because of the way they are effectively translated to reflect local languages and sentiments. Translated and subtitled films today generate more revenue than ever for the global film industry, with blockbuster movies looking at China as the next big market, where the success of translated films have led production houses touch the $1bn mark more frequently than ever.
It is an accepted fact that the revolution in communication has shrunk the world, where we can reach out to each other from any part of the world effortlessly. It has also created a migration and cross pollination of Cuisines, Music and Language.