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Make sure you are familiar with the file format. If you are working for a translation company, the files will come quite probably in a translation-friendly format and with a translation memory. Do not change the CAT tool your client has specified. There is no worse feeling for Translation Project Managers than receiving a file whose contents they have to rework because of bad formatting.
Make sure that you are comfortable with the subject matter and language style and confirm this to the Translation Project Manager. Whilst you may take on translations in fields in which you are not an expert for the sake of expanding your business, it will take you more time to master the terminology and you will have to invest time in doing so.
Make sure you revise the document(s) and the files before starting a translation. Understand any instructions that come with the job: they show you the way in which the translation must be approached. You do not call a plumber to fix a flood and leave your house without a shower. Ensure that all the files and documents the client needs are the ones you have received.
Importing and exporting transactions, translators, interpreters and transferring manuals, documents, agreements, and conversations from source language to the target language. If there is a breakdown in the communication level there would be a great loss, leading to billions of dollars lost and also lost of good opportunities. That shows why language translators and those interested in the GILT industry are so much important.
The Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation (GILT) industry that includes language translation and interpreting services is an ever-growing industry with infinite opportunities. The phrase ‘going global’ is no longer catchy, but it has become a way of life. Every day we interact and play our part in the global economy, for instance, we drink coffee every morning which is most probably from South America, the car we drive is from Germany and the gas in our vehicle is imported from Saudi Arabia, our laptops are from China and highly sophisticated flat screen TVs from Japan.
If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.
Quality language translation aims to bridge the communication gap by helping companies reach a multivariate global audience by talking in a language their clients can understand and relate to. Whether it is a traditional brick and mortar businesses or an emerging online venture, translation services coupled with the rising online population offers a lucrative market that wasn't possible 20-30 years back.
Legal translation or Certified Translation always require very specialist knowledge, the wording for these types of documents should be exact and can have absolutely no mistakes what so ever. Perfection is not a need but a demand as far as legal translation goes. The emphasis on a translator cannot get bigger than this, in other words, “translators can either make or break a case”. The consequences of getting a legal translation wrong however can be severe. It can cause huge losses to an individual or a company, and delay an already lengthy and expensive process.