Your Translation Partner. Professional Translation; over 2,000 native-speaking translators; High-Quality & 5-Star Customer Service Guaranteed.
A very simple question and yet one that not everyone can answer. The one question I hate being asked is, “What is it that you do young man”? And that is simply because more often than not I have to explain myself when I tell people that I work in the Translation Industry. The most frequent response that comes back is “Translation! What’s that? With a very bemused look people exclaim! Or people often mistake it to be the transcription industry and then I quickly have to correct them and say, No that’s not what I said. I said “Translation”. Yes you heard right. The unusual moments is generally followed by a very brief silence and a look in their eyes always tells me, please explain.
Something I’ve done so many times that I’ve honestly gotten fed up off and it never amazes me the number of people who actually have no clue about this multi-billion dollar Industry. Now why doesn’t that surprise me? The answer is quite simple really. It is one of those professional services that unless one has it used personally or had a friend, colleague or family member work in the line you honestly wouldn’t know it ever exists. You’ll never see an advert of a translation company on the news or the radio.
But does this ignorance actually help the industry on a whole or is there something that needs to be done to make the people more aware of this Global Phenomenon. This Industry that’s solely responsible and playing such a MAJOR role in the world of Economics, Commerce, World trade and Politics, and bringing businesses and people closer together than ever before. It’s frankly made the world a smaller place and YET people don’t know! How ironical is that? Often I ask myself do I have too many English speaking friends or do these people just don’t get how translation and the industry is to get credit for every single product or place that they will visit in the future.
The funny part however is the fact that because translation is there in everything we use and do today it’s really not easy explaining how it all works and what it really is and how World Trade and commerce simply would not have been possible without translators and interpreters alike. One of our Biggest clients the United Nations work and run using Interpreters as a bridge to communicate, this is down to the translation industry and is a key element and that is what we do. We bridge that language and cultural barrier by providing you with accurate and reliable Translations/Interpretations of your content.
For this reason I will always say to my CEO, you are an absolute genius. To come up with a tagline that defines the very industry we work in the simplest way possible. “THERE IS NO GLOBALIZATION, WITHOUT TRANSLATION”. And this ladies and gentleman and children of all ages or whoever you are reading this document is a FACT.
Where would the world be without translation? I honestly believe a much, much BIGGER PLACE.